Sunday, April 11, 2010

New Blog!!

Check out my new blog at

This is where my latest photo sessions will be at and I will no longer be using this one. Cya there!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Almost Summer:)

I've had a wonderful break from school and have only a couple of days until the hustle and bustle starts again. Today I got to visit my Mema in Tullahoma and just spent time with my family. We played outside and of course we played with bubbles and ate popscicles. I can almost taste summer it's so close...can't wait! Here are a few pics of our day:)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Medley Family

I had such a good time with the Medley's, as always! They are long time friends of mine and just a pleasure to be around! There are so many awesome pics from my model worthy family but here are my favs:)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Matt & Emily

I had the pleasure to go to a wedding with my fabulous friend Amy Lou Herren from The bride and groom were a beautiful couple and it turned out to be a picture perfect day despite the morning drizzle scare. Thank you Amy for allowing me to learn the ropes and thank you Matt & Emily for letting me be part of your beautiful day!These are some of my favorite pictures I took from the wedding....


Ginalynn is full of life and is such a sweetheart!

Sunday, March 28, 2010


I got to see my niece Madi today and she did a fabulous job just being herself! Madi is 3 1/2 years old and is the best thing that has happened in all our lives! Here is our doll face.....

Friday, March 19, 2010

Alanna & Mea

Sweet little Mea and Alanna took me out to Viola to their beautiful property. Watch out America's Next Top Model because Mea is coming your way!

Katie Bryant

Katie and I had a blast today enjoying the beautiful weather and the long awaited sunshine!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Megan Hamblen

I was finally able to take pictures with Meg and we had fun hiking and being adventurous at Fall Creek Falls. She did a great job modeling for me and was such a trooper!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Kiptyn Medley

I stole this picture of Kiptyn last night when we were watching the SuperBowl with one of my favorite family's, The Medley's. He is such a doll baby!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Tegan Young and Scarlette Hodge

Scarlette, Tegan, and I had a blast during our shoot today! My poor friends and family are my guinea pigs for my new photography craze. But who doesn't like to petend to be a model for a day:) Love you girls!